For this blue-color photo contest, we invited you to share your best shots showcasing the color blue as the main aspect of the composition with chances to win a SAMSUNG Galaxy A8 Tablet and more cool prizes.

Congratulations Grand Jury Winner "Flows Like a River" by TDTphotographyDesign

Congratulations People's Choice "Yungblud au Club Soda, Montreal pour le Festival Internationale de Jazz de Montreal" by jalqphotography

Congratulations Runner Up "A03_2003" by LukaszLisiecki

Congratulations Runner Up "Embrace" by LaYue

Congratulations Honorary Mention "untitled" by maria_svigos

Congratulations Honorary Mention "Elena" by lucafoscili

Congratulations Honorary Mention "DSC_0280.jpeg" by AubrieSandness

Congratulations Honorary Mention "TechnoSplash" by Kwill_Rose

Congratulations Honorary Mention "Turkish Mama Mia" by GingerMoonArt